Orwell, George 1903 - 1950. British author. Eric Arthur Blair His books include the satirical fable Animal Farm 1945, which included such slogans as "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others", and the prophetic Nineteen Eighty-Four 1949, portraying the catastrophic excesses of state control over the individual. Other works include Down and Out in Paris and London 1933. A deep sense of social conscience and antipathy towards political dictatorship characterize his work. Orwell was born in India and educated in England. He served for five years in the Burmese police force, an experience reflected in the novel Burmese Days 1935. Life as a dishwasher and tramp were related in Down and Out in Paris and London, and service for the Republican cause in the Spanish Civil War in Homage to Catalonia 1938. He also wrote numerous essays.